Gibson Watts Global: PEO & EOR Services

Visas for Ukrainians:
Employment for Ukrainians in Poland

As a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, a vast number of citizens have been forced to flee their homes. Due to its close proximity and the facilitating of entry for Ukrainians, the majority of those fleeing have chosen to head to Poland to relocate their family and business.

As of today, over a million Ukrainian citizens have entered Poland since the invasion began. Since then, Poland has been providing an open-door policy, helping them to build new lives.

Some ways in which Poland is aiding the process for Ukrainians to come into the country, include:

  • A simplified immigration procedure. Ukrainians can now stay in Poland for 18 months, and have access to the labour market, health care and social benefits, with the possibility of being able to extend
  • The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, also said that all refugees will be given an individual personal number which will allow access to services which include employment and opportunities to register companies in the country.
  • All Ukrainian-Polish border crossing points can now be crossed on foot.
  • There isn’t a mandatory quarantine for those fleeing Ukraine, and they are not required to show a negative Covid test to enter the country.
  • Animals can be brought into Poland, but it is required that dogs, ferrets, and cats are microchipped and vaccinated.
  • Reception points have been placed in all major cities in Poland, the list of receptions points provides information on accommodation, medical care, details about staying in the country and a hot meal and a drink.
  • Some Polish railway operators have omitted fairs to those fleeing Ukraine. Some cities have also decided to omit payment for all public transport altogether.
Poland PEO


Should refugees have no accommodation arranged, information can be gathered from local information points which are available in all major cities in Poland. At the townhall in Warsaw, there is information about accommodation alongside and anything else refugees may need to know. Some hotels have set aside rooms specifically for those leaving Ukraine. Alongside this, many schools and preschools are being prepared to accommodate over 500,000 children who have fled Ukraine. The   Polish education minister, Przemysław Czarnek pledged to ensure that children are integrated into schools and properly educated, while also maintaining the standards for existing pupils.

Employment in Poland

Poland is in the process of introducing new solutions that will help provide easier access to employment situations for Ukrainians. Currently, Ukrainian citizens can attain a ‘stamp’ enabling them to stay in Poland, which will provide access to social benefits in the country and medical care.

Currently, over 35,000 Ukrainians have found jobs in Poland since February 24th, 75% of these are reported to be women and most of these jobs, are based in Poland’s largest cities including   Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lodz and Poznan.

Ukrainian businesses relocating to Poland

They are many IT companies from Ukraine relocating their business to Poland. To facilitate this, the rules are that every Ukrainian citizen crossing the border into Poland can immediately start working without the requirement to show a work or residence permit. All that is necessary is administration notifications to relevant authorities.

When it comes to registering a company from Ukraine in Poland, this can be carried out quickly, with the law enabling the ability to incorporate the company online. The corporate law of Poland is also not restrictive for investors. There are no restrictions as to the nationality of shareholders of Directors, and no requirement for there to be specific qualifications for Directors. Companies can now also be established remotely; they just require registration.

For most companies in Poland, to run their business they are required to gather just their:

  • tax number (NIP)
  • statistical number (REGON)
  • VAT number
  • ZUS registration for social security.

Corporate taxation

Following the relocation from Ukraine, companies will be taxed accordingly. The most popular business type in Poland is the LLC structure due to its taxation rules. For this company type, corporation tax is paid at the rate of 0% in case of profit retention in the company, 9% for income up to 2.5mil Euros and 19% for income above that figure. Those citizens hired on an employment contract post relocation to Poland will also fall under the same tax schemes as Polish citizens and the rules for minimum wage will be reflective of this too.

The taxation of employees relocating stands at the current rates:

  • 0 %  for employees under 26 years old
  • 17 % for incomes below 120.000 PLN
  • 32 % for income above 120.000 PLN

Move your business into Poland easier and quicker with a PEO

With a PEO like Gibson Watts Global, we can help businesses transition into Poland without having to set up an entity. We also ensure all the legalities and HR related functions including payroll, tax, risk management and employee placement and retention are taken care of. This enables you to focus on the transition into a new location, without the hassle of the admin that comes alongside moving your business into another country. It also means your business can be set up quickly and smoothly. Contact a member of the team today to find out more.

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