Gibson Watts Global: PEO & EOR Services


Hire in Lithuania without
a local entity today

As a Global PEO & EOR service provider, we pride ourselves on our global reach, in-country knowledge, and ability to swiftly and efficiently mobilize workers around the world. Our robust PEO/EOR covers everything from global HR, payroll, compliance, in-country support, immigration, visas, and more.

Get started and hire in Lithuania today with Gibson Watts Global.

  • You may be surprised to learn that Lithuania has the world’s fastest public Wi-Fi, with download speeds of 15.40 Mbps.
  • Basketball is by far the most popular sport and has a strong cultural importance for many of its citizens. Under Soviet occupation, Lithuanians formed the core of the Soviet national team and saw the sport as an opportunity to assert their own cultural identity.
  • For travellers with a taste for the peculiar, Lithuania has a whole host of quirky traditions and expositions, such as the Hill of Witches.

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A hidden gem within Europe

Nestled between Poland and Latvia, Lithuania may be small in size, but it has plenty to offer. This northeastern European country is one of the three Baltic states and attracts expats and travellers all over with its stunning architecture and captivating landscapes.

Alongside its natural beauty, the capital city, Vilnius, was named one of the most affordable places to live in the world.

For expats and foreigners searching for a country that knows how to reconcile work and life, Lithuania offers the perfect balance of both. It is a country rich with heritage, boasting an impressive number of churches, basilicas, and fortresses all across the country. Its location in the heart of Europe and the low costs of living makes it an ideal European base for over 150 international companies, meaning there is no shortage of jobs.

The deal is sweetened for expats as this country ranks high for employee satisfaction. Many businesses and expats choose to relocate here to experience the European way of life for a fraction of the price.

For expats and foreigners that are interested in moving and working abroad in this country, Lithuania certainly promises a unique experience. To navigate the administrative challenges that might arise when relocating to this country, partnering with a Lithuania PEO partner, such as Gibson Watts Global, can give you the full support needed to set up your business.

Working in LITHUANIA

Employment Information

A typical working week for full-time employees in Lithuania is 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. Overtime cannot exceed a maximum of 48 hours. However, certain jobs may be exempt from this.

As of 2021, the minimum wage is €642 per month.

Workers are entitled to overtime pay of 150% of their regular salary. This number increases to 200% if an employee works on a rest day or outside of their traditional working hours.

Notice periods depend on the length of the employee’s current contract.

  • -1 year: Less than 2 weeks’ notice
  • +1 year: 1 month’s notice

Leave Entitlement

Employees who work 5 days a week are entitled to 20 days of paid leave per year. If an employee works 6 days a week, they receive 24 days.

Maternity benefit is paid for 70 calendar days before the birth of the child and 56-70 days after the birth. In the event of birthing complications or multiple births, mothers can receive an additional 14 calendar days of leave.

For paternity leave, eligible employees are entitled to 30 calendar days. This can be granted at any time from the day the child is born up until the child reaches 3 months of age.

Public Holidays

In Lithuania, there are 16 public holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Independence Day
  • Independence Restoration Day
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Labour Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day
  • John’s Day (Joninės)
  • Day of the State
  • Žolinė
  • All Saints’ Day
  • All Souls’ Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • The Second Day of Christmas


Once a foreign national has accepted a job offer, they must send all necessary documentation to the employer (proof of qualification, personal information etc.) It is then the responsibility of the employer to submit the necessary documents to the Lithuanian Labour Exchange. Exceptions apply if the worker is highly qualified or is taking on a job that is scarce.One the employee has secured their work permit, they are able to apply for a national visa (D) at the Lithuanian consulate or diplomatic mission in their country.

Cultural Information

What will become quickly apparent when living here is that Lithuanians are extremely proud of their country. Being the first former Soviet state to declare independence from the USSR, many Lithuanians hold the values of freedom, tolerance, and hospitality close to their hearts.

Thanks to its mild climate, you will be able to experience all four seasons in Lithuania – from snowy winters to bright summer days. With its beaches and rolling hills, Lithuania is also the perfect destination for nature-loving expatriates.

As one of the oldest languages in the world, Lithuanian is the country’s only national language and is most closely related to Latvian. Some of the minority languages include Belarusian, Polish, and Russian spoken by 1.5%, 7.7%, and 8% of the population respectively.

With an overwhelming majority of the population following the Roman Catholic Church (85.9%), Lithuania has the largest share of Catholics among the three Baltic countries. This should come as no surprise considering the many religious buildings and sites you can visit across the country.

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